Glass - Fashion & Fantasy
Museum, Anneberg, DK curated by Lennart Raaholt.
Participants: Henrik Vibskov, Anne Sofie Madsen, Cold Heggem, Frederikke Antonie Schmidt, Ivan Lee Mora, Violise Lunn, Katrine Ring, Marianne Eriksen Scott-Hansen, Maria Berntsen, Lennart Raaholt, Anne Damgaard.

“With GLASS fashion & fantasy, the museum wants to explore how the special qualities of the glass, such as transparency, fragility, richness of colours and dangerousness can be transformed and be expressed through other materials and types of works. Hopefully, the visitors can also experience the direct as well as the indirect references to the glass media by exploring the works of the exhibition and in that way discover connections that offer new experiences of the museum’s permanent collections of ancient and present glass art.
A total of 11 artists and designers have accepted the museum’s invitation to use the idea of the exhibition as a basis to create works that participate in the challenging study of the fascination of glass as material, expression and narrative. HEMPEL Glass Museum is grateful for this kindness and most happy to be able to present a line of works that are using and interpreting glass in fabulous, poetic, unexpected and striking ways.“
-Bodil Busk Laursen
“Glass Fascination.
For thousands of years, glass has fascinated man. The earliest works of glass date back to Mesopotamia 3500 years before our time, and since then glass has been part of our lives in many ways. We decorate ourselves with glass, glass is a part of our household and in China, an entire road bridge of glass has recently been constructed. Glass possesses a magical, almost euphoric energy. In a liquid state compliant and flexible. But hardened glass is perishable and one has to be careful when it breaks. An item of glass can be something very concrete one minute, only to be split into thousands of pieces the next.“
-Lennart Raaholt
Danish Arts Foundation