Black Angels 13-7

Anne Damgaard breaks the framework for clothing design and lets the dresses shape-transform through one medium after another – the drapes are not only fabric, but light and tones and images. It is clothing as a state of mind, and her dresses are arabesques of emotions and sensory experiences. The graphic beauty of Crumb’s score has turned into cuts, the notes are stitches, and the strings play with thimbles in dresses that are music and light and colors.
It’s high – level aesthetic clothing design, and we get a look into the laboratory – sketches and templates, photographs and clippings follow the process, which is just as much part of the final design. For Anne Damgaard, all boundaries are fluid, and the modern experience is in everything she touches: “All that is solid melts into air”.
– Knud Romer
Video:Søren Kuhn
Graphics:Rasmus Koch Studio
sewing:Iben Kristiansen
sewing:Penille Dalmose
sewing:Trine Egemose
dying fabrics:Anne Fabricius Møller
consultant:Jan Machenhauer
hair & Make-up:Jan Stuhr
text and opening speech:Knud Romer
Jan Søndergaard
Danish Arts Foundation
Danmarks Nationalbanks
Jubilæumsfond af 1968
Nordea-Danmark fonden
L.F. Foghts Fond
Dragon Den 713
Dragon DEN 8
Dragon DEN 9
Dragon Den 317
Dragon DEN 4
Dragon DEN 158
Black Angel Red
Black Angel Blue
Black Angel Rose
Black Angel Green
Black Angel Cream
Black Angel Brown
Black Angel Orange