All Solid melts into Air

Ceramist Bente Skjøttgaard experiments and challenges the weight of clay to create organic formations and structures in a quest for the weightless. She works systematically on the premises of the ceramic material but always balances on the border of the possible, and the studies develop into something reminiscent of large amorphous nature abstractions, with lots of glaze. In recent years, Bente Skjøttgaard, inspired by cloud formations in the sky, has tried to lift the weight of the clay and give it movement, by mimicking the variability and airy volume of clouds.
Clothing designer Anne Damgaard creates sculptural clothing and textile constructions in transparent and light materials. Unique and poetic dresses detached from time and place, fashion or practical application. In recent years, she has also experimented with photographic expressions, where translucency of textiles and other textures projected on i.a. textiles form abstract image surfaces, which she photographs and digitally prints back on fabric, which in turn can be draped into new sensory expressions.
Common to both is the work with opposing conditions such as weight and lightness and tightness in the face of the dissolved and diffuse. Bente Skjøttgaard loses some control during firing to the high temperatures and lets gravity and the flowability of the glazes play a part, while
Anne Damgaard constantly challenges the relationship between spontaneity and control in her work with fabric, color, light, geometric shape principles, body and draping, in which case involved as a significant factor.
Danish Arts Foundation
Danish Art Workshop
Ellen og Knud Dalhoff Larsens Fond
Midtjysk Skole og Kulturfond
Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond af 1968